Introvert or extrovert? Which camp would you put yourself in? Is it possible to pigeonhole the entire human race as simply being one or the other?
According to Carl Jung’s theory on personality types, none of us are completely extroverted or introverted, however we certainly connect to or feel most comfortable, in one of these worlds over the other.
Posted on Thu, April 16, 2015 in General Personal Development
How is your career panning out these days? Are you currently where you want to be? Are you living up to your own expectations? We have a tendency, understandably, to plan our careers in an upward trajectory, however if things don’t quite go to plan, naturally it can be disappointing.
When you think about it though, upwards isn’t always necessarily the only way to go - there is an alternative route.
How about sideways for a change?
Posted on Thu, April 09, 2015 in Coaching General Organisational Development Personal Development
The art of self-reflection is so important that despite writing about it before we want to continue the story with more of our observations.
Posted on Thu, March 12, 2015 in General Personal Development
How many times have you introduced yourself to someone and after the initial exchange of names comes the unsurprising follow-up: “…and what do you do”? At the start of a holiday one year, I was immersed in the introduction thing with a fairly large group of people (with whom I was about to embark on several excursions/adventures) and this very scenario played out, over and over.
Posted on Thu, February 26, 2015 in General Personal Development
Problems. Whenever we have one and are perhaps feeling a little stuck when it comes to finding a solution, it occurs to me that it’s often because we only look at it through our own eyes. There is of course always another perspective. In fact, there can be several.
Posted on Thu, February 12, 2015 in Coaching General Personal Development
If we want to be great at something, we learn to do it, right? As the nation’s favourite Meerkat, Aleksandr would say – ‘simples’. Or is it really that straight forward? What if our brain tells us otherwise and the all-consuming doubt starts to creep in? ‘I’m not sure I can do it’. ‘That’s not me’. ‘It’s too difficult’.
Posted on Thu, February 05, 2015 in Coaching Personal Development
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