Have you ever wondered why you and your team get along so well when you communicate in a group? Or, perhaps why you don’t for that matter?
The reasons why certain sequences of behaviour take place in groups and why particular boundaries and rules might affect conversations are complex issues and having a good understanding of group dynamics is essential when it comes to successfully leading your team.
Posted on Thu, September 17, 2015 in General Leadership Personal Development
During one of the workshops I regularly facilitate, participants take part in a storytelling exercise where I ask each individual to speak for one minute. We’re very strict on timing - one minute exactly – and they can choose from three different topics. And the point is…? Well, we use the exercise to feed back to each other and discuss/explore the different things people find compelling.
Posted on Fri, August 14, 2015 in Coaching General Personal Development
Now here’s a question to start a healthy debate. As a statement, it’s something some of us may remember hearing growing up as we struggled to balance on that scooter or splashed frantically to stop ourselves from sinking to the bottom of the pool. Indeed, many would argue that yes, practice does make perfect.
Posted on Thu, July 16, 2015 in Coaching General Personal Development
The promotion process – manoeuvring your way through it successfully is hopefully an experience you will encounter on more than one occasion throughout your career. You’ve put in the hard graft to get here; shown you have what it takes and earned the right to be in the running.
Then comes that all-important call. You’ve done it! Goal achieved. Tick. So what now? Celebrate? Of course. And then what?
Have you considered how you’re going to show up now that you find yourself in this space? Perhaps you’ve taken the leap from Manager to Director or Partner. How will things develop or change for you?
Posted on Thu, June 18, 2015 in Coaching General Personal Development
Brands, brands, brands. We’re surrounded by them. Every day. Everywhere, a brand or many brands vie for our attention. As I write, literally within a twelve inch radius to me, sitting on a train, I have 7 prominent brand names clearly visible.
If I asked you to think of some, or notice what’s next to you right now, you’re probably visualising a symbol or design of a famous name. There is a habit of championing our favourites, and then there are those we choose to avoid (for all sorts of reasons).
I wonder, do you ever think of yourself as a brand? For the ordinary individual on the street, it’s perhaps not the first word we might use when describing ourselves and yet, essentially, that’s what we are.
Posted on Thu, June 11, 2015 in Coaching General Leadership Personal Development
What goals have you been thinking about that you haven’t quite managed to kick-start yourself towards achieving?
You might be thinking about adopting a healthier lifestyle or taking up a new activity? Perhaps a change of career, or gearing yourself up for a promotion? Ultimately, one of the first stumbling blocks we come up against is wondering, where do I set that goalpost? How do I build towards that?
Posted on Thu, May 14, 2015 in Coaching General Personal Development
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