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Category: Personal Development

Why Servant Leaders Make the Best Leaders

Servant leaders consider themselves to be equals, not superiors, they are more relatable and humble. They teach and mentor those around them, and actively seek to learn from others.  Servant leaders ensure that the differing and unique strengths of each team member are being sufficiently put into practice.  Their objective is to help every individual continually grow and improve professionally.


Posted on Tue, August 21, 2018 in Leadership Personal Development

5 Tips to Become a Better Leader in 2021

The start of a new year is a time when we might consider the idea of bettering ourselves. For leaders giving consideration to improvements is particularly important for the sake of their own personal and professional development, and also for their teams and the business of which they are part.  We might think about things like: how will I boost my chances of success, how will I inspire others or how will I steer the business towards greater success? It’s certainly not enough to simply ‘decide’ to better oneself in general terms.


Posted on Tue, January 09, 2018 in Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development


Coaching for leaders is like coaching for elite athletes. Athletes know that to reach the top of their game they need to push themselves, challenging their know boundaries in order to improve performance. Being a leader, being responsible for others, is really no different because it is something to learn, to improve, to enhance – and, we can become smarter, more thoughtful, sharper leaders when we engage with executive coaching.


Posted on Fri, October 27, 2017 in Coaching Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

What Does Work Life Balance Really Mean?

The concept of ‘balance’ is an ongoing and evolutionary debate.  We’re constantly hearing that we should eat a balanced diet, accomplish a good work/life balance, move more in relation to a somewhat sedentary life and balance cardio vascular workouts with stretching and strengthening exercise … although, what does balance actually mean? The notion of ‘balance’ is an elusive concept.


Posted on Wed, July 26, 2017 in Leadership Personal Development

Situation vacant: Chief Empathy Officer

The call for social skills in leadership (often referred to as 'soft' skills) and emotional intelligence (or ‘EQ’) isn’t anything new. You may not find these listed in the job spec, however more and more, companies are looking to recruit employees who can not only demonstrate outstanding expertise, but also collaborate and communicate on teams. 


Posted on Fri, October 21, 2016 in Coaching General Leadership Personal Development

Put your own mask on first

If you’ve travelled through the clouds, you’ll no doubt be familiar with the safety instructions in the event of oxygen masks making an appearance mid-flight.

It’s an important metaphor for those who tend to run around taking care of everything and focusing on everyone else other than themselves.


Posted on Thu, July 14, 2016 in Coaching General Leadership Personal Development

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