Schools are beginning to return (in Scotland), without much heed to what has been going on across the past few months it seems and speaking to some friends who are teachers, they feel ‘disposable’, uncared for and afraid.
I notice that I have low level anxiety when I am out in public, when people walk too close to me, don’t observe social distancing, slip their mask down from their nose in the shops (or off altogether) … these times have made me fearful. And it’s got me thinking about the word fear and what it means. What am I actually scared of?
Posted on Wed, August 19, 2020 in General Leadership Personal Development
Where did your mind go? Naughty …
In our last blog I called out for self-care. It’s important … it’s more than important – It’s VITAL.
Although I am still not officially working as I recover from the trials and tribulations of the virus I am still talking to friends, to clients who have become friends and to clients more broadly and am concerned to hear of the impacts of working from home, and Zoom or Teams fatigue. It’s a thing. There is also this franticness that I have been noticing – everyone is super, super busy – trying to keep the Earth turning while its inhabitants are in a spin.
Posted on Tue, July 21, 2020 in Coaching Leadership Personal Development
This is difficult to write
I’ve had a tough few years…relationship break ups, international moves, disrupted business, the culmination of which landed me with depression for the second time in my life. A therapist once told me (in my first battle with this illness) that I was a high functioning depressive – because I could get up, get dressed, work, and appear to all intents and purposes like I was ‘normal’ (whatever that is). Certainly, I gave the impression of coping. Then, as now, though I have had an internal battle with why I should even bother to remain ‘here’ – on earth, alive…
Posted on Fri, June 26, 2020 in Leadership Personal Development
It was a lie…
I was lucky growing up! I was taught from an early age that everyone matters. There was no prejudice in my home. We had friends visit and music played by people from all walks of life. This was in the 60s, 70s and early 80s.
In the mid 70s I started secondary school. I went to a south east London comprehensive that had a fifty-fifty black/white mix of kids. I was surrounded by, and part of, a rich cultural heritage. I came to believe that this was a ‘normal’ representation of how life would be … I was wrong!
Posted on Thu, June 11, 2020 in General Leadership Personal Development
As leaders, we contemplate more often on the nature and state of things. How are we managing at any one moment? Are we delivering consistency to others? How are we supporting the people that rely on us? What changes can we see coming over the horizon?
And on its way, at full throttle, presently is a message that speaks of a future laden with The New Normal. What does this actually mean though?
Posted on Thu, May 28, 2020 in Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development
For many of us the concept of working from home is new. And potentially horrifying. At Creative Coaching we have been giving thought to the loneliness and potential sense of isolation that may come in being prevented from going to our usual places of work as the lockdowns become tighter and tighter in the face of the spread of Covid-19.
Posted on Wed, March 18, 2020 in General Leadership Personal Development
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