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Category: Personal Development

It’s Virtually Gone and it’s Virtually Crazy

Well, what a year 2020 has been …

For some this year has been the most brutal – entertainment, restaurants, pubs, and other businesses have been devastated as restrictions and market uncertainty conspired to keep customers away.

For others, health has been impacted – either through contracting the virus or through mental health being adversely affected – loneliness, isolation and lack of human interaction being a huge factor in this outcome.


Posted on Wed, December 16, 2020 in Leadership Personal Development

Too Busy to Be Me …

I have had many conversations recently with friends and colleagues and realised that I need to seriously work on being less grown up!

No! You might argue … how will you ever be credible if you are less grown up? Surely, in business, with your clients, in the board roles you’ve performed and will again, it’s important to be the most serious and gritty person there is to be taken seriously, to be listened to?


Posted on Wed, December 02, 2020 in General Leadership Personal Development

Holding Lightly

It all seems a little heavy right now …

… Which is not at all surprising. A year of change, of uncertainty, of inflicted control, of isolation, of mixed messages, of little understanding, of diminished humility, of jobs losses, of a mixed sense of identity, of loss, of gains, of witnessing aggressive, bullying and inappropriate behaviours for high office. It’s bonkers ...


Posted on Tue, November 17, 2020 in Leadership Personal Development

How do we Build Resilience?

Or, is it innate?

I’ve always thought I was pretty resilient, capable of working long hours with little sleep. Juggling multiple projects, constant travel, relearning how to use my iPhone after an update smile, facing major setbacks in my life and still carrying on with a smile and with energy.

I feel ashamed when I think of my judgment of others, in the past, who haven’t seemed resilient ... who have said they are too tired to engage, too weak to continue, too defeated to fight ... I always thought you simply needed mental resilience to overcome physical depletion.


Posted on Wed, November 04, 2020 in Coaching Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

Why Compassionate Leadership Matters

Compassion comes from the Latin – compati – ‘suffer with’ and there is no doubt that at the moment we are all completely in the same boat and suffering in our own small or big ways.

So, it stands to reason that now is the time to show the greatest compassion we can to ourselves and everyone else – whether they be individuals, teams, groups, communities or society more generally.


Posted on Thu, October 08, 2020 in Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

What is Conscious Leadership?

Well, an easy answer is leading with presence by thinking about it …

Although, as with all things, that would be way too simplistic a view. To be a conscious leader we first have to invest time in understanding self – in fact to be any kind of fully functioning human being we probably have to do this! Let’s stick to leadership though… 


Posted on Wed, September 16, 2020 in Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

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