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Category: Personal Development

Boring Meetings Are A Sign Your Team Is Paralysed

Make your team comfortable with productive conflict to get the best results in the shortest time


Posted on Tue, September 07, 2021 in General Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

Where’s The Instruction Manual?

How does this work? How do I work? Because I’m not sure I know who I am anymore!

That’s seemingly a daft statement because obviously I do know who I actually am. What I really mean is, in this new world where things are opening up, the ‘rules’ are murky, Covid cases are increasing and yet we are being given greater and greater freedom, I am feeling confused, agitated, at times anxious and I am not entirely certain I know how to behave. Is it OK to hug our family and friends? Is it OK to pass the salt at the dinner table? Do I pick up all our glasses from the waiter’s tray or let others take their own drink? Did I remember to sanitise my hands before I touched the steering wheel after I’ve been shopping?


Posted on Wed, June 30, 2021 in General Organisational Development Personal Development

The Art of Giving Feedback

Thank you Lisa Malcolm for the provocation to write more about how to give good feedback – here are some of my thoughts, although I am sure you (and others) will have more to add …

First, all feedback will provoke a reaction. For example, Lisa commented on one of my LinkedIn posts, talking about the importance of giving feedback, suggesting that I (someone) talk more about how to give it, acknowledging that we all know it’s needed.


Posted on Mon, May 24, 2021 in Coaching Leadership Personal Development

What if we Dared Instead of Dreamed?

We have chosen each other

and the edge of each others’ battles

the war is the same

if we lose

someday women’s blood will congeal

upon a dead planet


Posted on Thu, May 06, 2021 in Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

The Consequences of crisis

There are terrible things that continue to ravage our Earth in addition to, and because of, the Covid situation. 

Poverty is increasing, economies are crumbling, coups are taking place, militias are acting, weird weather is squalling, horrific and inciteful words are being thrown, famine is striking, conflict is growing … we really do live in a mad, mad World. And like in the song lyrics – there are days when I’d like to ‘hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow, no tomorrow, no tomorrow’ because I would dearly love the madness to stop.


Posted on Thu, February 11, 2021 in Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

If You Spot It … You’ve Got It …!

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Jung

More often than not, the things we detest and judge in others are a reflection of the things we cannot accept about ourselves.” – Iyanla L’anzant

When you blame and criticise others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself.” – unknown

How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.” – unknown


Posted on Wed, January 20, 2021 in Leadership Personal Development

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