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Category: General

Is this the secret to happiness at work?

Research has shown that people respond to change in different ways. Some thrive on the energy of change; others feel powerless and see change as alienating. As a leader how can you work with your people to foster more of the former and less of the latter?


Posted on Thu, September 04, 2014 in General Leadership

What To Do When Unhelpful Thoughts Get In The Way

Did you know that we each have about 65,000 thoughts a day? And that 90% of these are thoughts we had yesterday, the day before and the day before that?

Because the thoughts that run through our mind affect our decisions, behaviours and actions, it's imperative to be as mindful and aware of those thoughts as we can be.

One of the quickest ways to break negative or unhelpful thought patterns is to reframe the thoughts. In other words, to offer ourselves an alternative perspective.


Posted on Thu, July 03, 2014 in Coaching General Personal Development

Our Favourite Leadership Reads

At Creative Coaching there is nothing we love more than absorbing ourselves in a good book. It's all part of the ongoing journey to support ourselves – and you – as great leaders.


Posted on Thu, June 05, 2014 in General Leadership

From Purpose to Profit: Three Ways to Improve Your Bottom Line

For many organisations improving the bottom line means cutting costs, raising prices or a combination of both. It can be about streamlining, restructuring or simply 'getting better at sales'.

What if there was an alternative approach? An approach that looked at the heart of the business, at what makes it tick, using this as a foundation for improving the bottom line.

Is this possible? I believe so.


Posted on Thu, May 08, 2014 in General Organisational Development

What’s The Value of Organisational Values?

Organisations spend a huge amount of time focused on defining their values and I question whether it is possible for organisations to actually have values? I think people have values; companies do not.  


Posted on Thu, April 24, 2014 in General

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