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Watch These Four Things Happening At Your Next Meeting

How to stop meetings going round in circles


Posted on Wed, September 29, 2021 in General Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

Boring Meetings Are A Sign Your Team Is Paralysed

Make your team comfortable with productive conflict to get the best results in the shortest time


Posted on Tue, September 07, 2021 in General Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development

Where’s The Instruction Manual?

How does this work? How do I work? Because I’m not sure I know who I am anymore!

That’s seemingly a daft statement because obviously I do know who I actually am. What I really mean is, in this new world where things are opening up, the ‘rules’ are murky, Covid cases are increasing and yet we are being given greater and greater freedom, I am feeling confused, agitated, at times anxious and I am not entirely certain I know how to behave. Is it OK to hug our family and friends? Is it OK to pass the salt at the dinner table? Do I pick up all our glasses from the waiter’s tray or let others take their own drink? Did I remember to sanitise my hands before I touched the steering wheel after I’ve been shopping?


Posted on Wed, June 30, 2021 in General Organisational Development Personal Development

There’s No Place for That!

“Bullies don’t like to be bullied … “, someone said to me recently. If they’re not challenged or held to account though, they will continue to overpower the little people was my response (feeling like one of the little people in respect of this particular conversation). So, I began to ask myself, how is it possible to stand up, to challenge and simply to call out poor (at best) and horrendous (at worst) behaviours?


Posted on Thu, April 22, 2021 in General Leadership Organisational Development

Too Busy to Be Me …

I have had many conversations recently with friends and colleagues and realised that I need to seriously work on being less grown up!

No! You might argue … how will you ever be credible if you are less grown up? Surely, in business, with your clients, in the board roles you’ve performed and will again, it’s important to be the most serious and gritty person there is to be taken seriously, to be listened to?


Posted on Wed, December 02, 2020 in General Leadership Personal Development

What Are You Afraid Of…?

Schools are beginning to return (in Scotland), without much heed to what has been going on across the past few months it seems and speaking to some friends who are teachers, they feel ‘disposable’, uncared for and afraid.

I notice that I have low level anxiety when I am out in public, when people walk too close to me, don’t observe social distancing, slip their mask down from their nose in the shops (or off altogether) … these times have made me fearful. And it’s got me thinking about the word fear and what it means. What am I actually scared of?


Posted on Wed, August 19, 2020 in General Leadership Personal Development

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