Fostering togetherness in a blended working environment
Posted on Tue, November 02, 2021 in Coaching General Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development
Thank you Lisa Malcolm for the provocation to write more about how to give good feedback – here are some of my thoughts, although I am sure you (and others) will have more to add …
First, all feedback will provoke a reaction. For example, Lisa commented on one of my LinkedIn posts, talking about the importance of giving feedback, suggesting that I (someone) talk more about how to give it, acknowledging that we all know it’s needed.
Posted on Mon, May 24, 2021 in Coaching Leadership Personal Development
Or, is it innate?
I’ve always thought I was pretty resilient, capable of working long hours with little sleep. Juggling multiple projects, constant travel, relearning how to use my iPhone after an update , facing major setbacks in my life and still carrying on with a smile and with energy.
I feel ashamed when I think of my judgment of others, in the past, who haven’t seemed resilient ... who have said they are too tired to engage, too weak to continue, too defeated to fight ... I always thought you simply needed mental resilience to overcome physical depletion.
Posted on Wed, November 04, 2020 in Coaching Leadership Organisational Development Personal Development
Where did your mind go? Naughty …
In our last blog I called out for self-care. It’s important … it’s more than important – It’s VITAL.
Although I am still not officially working as I recover from the trials and tribulations of the virus I am still talking to friends, to clients who have become friends and to clients more broadly and am concerned to hear of the impacts of working from home, and Zoom or Teams fatigue. It’s a thing. There is also this franticness that I have been noticing – everyone is super, super busy – trying to keep the Earth turning while its inhabitants are in a spin.
Posted on Tue, July 21, 2020 in Coaching Leadership Personal Development
We are living through an unprecedented time. One that affects our personal and professional lives, hampering both in ways that impinge upon our motivation. Self-isolation, social distancing and remote working are all necessary activities that separate us physically yet don’t shut down our lines of communication.
Posted on Wed, April 15, 2020 in Coaching Leadership
Engaging with Leadership Coaching means investing your time, money and emotions in a process; and investing no small amount of faith in a coach! As with most areas in business, what you get out of coaching is hugely dependent on what you put into it. Here are our top tips to ensure you make the most of the opportunities that coaching affords you, and get the most out of your relationship with your coach.
Posted on Thu, August 01, 2019 in Coaching Leadership
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