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Busting limiting beliefs (Part 1)

Beliefs have a powerful self-fulfilling effect. Whether you believe you can or can’t do something, you are right!

This is a double-edged sword. Empowering beliefs are a pathway to our success. Think about how you feel when you genuinely believe you can do something wonderful, something amazing. It's an incredible feeling.

Disempowering (or limiting) beliefs on the other hand have the opposite effect, keeping us small, stuck in our comfort zone and unwilling to stretch ourselves.

To bust those limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of your success, the first step is to familiarise yourself with what they are.

  • Write down 5 beliefs you have about yourself which are empowering and 5 which are limiting.
  • Circle your three most empowering beliefs and notice what it is that makes these beliefs so empowering.
  • Circle the most limiting and start weakening them by considering these questions:

How is this belief ridiculous?

Who did I learn this belief from, and would I still want to learn this from them?

What will it ultimately cost me if I do not change this belief:





What effect will it have on my team if I do not change this belief?

Tune in to next week's blog post where we will be revealing your next steps for busting those limiting beliefs!

Posted on Thu, October 30, 2014 in Coaching Personal Development
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