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Acting as if…

If we want to be great at something, we learn to do it, right? As the nation’s favourite Meerkat, Aleksandr would say – ‘simples’. Or is it really that straight forward? What if our brain tells us otherwise and the all-consuming doubt starts to creep in? ‘I’m not sure I can do it’. ‘That’s not me’. ‘It’s too difficult’. 

Well, here’s a useful technique that can help in these situations, especially if you’ve ever fancied becoming an actor…

Test out those skills and ‘act as if’ – in other words, adopt the traits of someone you imagine would be good at doing the activity or role you want to do. Step into the role as if it is really happening. How would you look? How would you talk? How would you think? It may feel strange at first, however you'll soon start to adopt the feelings associated with someone able to do the task.  

The technique can be used in many different situations. Perhaps you’re nervous in new social settings. Acting as if you are calm and self-assured can give you the confidence and motivation to meet new people. The thoughts, images and physical habits of confidence will be available to your mind as reference points when you find yourself in another similar situation. If you want to lead a successful team, act as if you are leading a successful team. In this role, how would you think, how would you communicate with your team; what about your appearance – your voice, posture, gestures?

By acting as if, we can reduce or eradicate those limiting beliefs and learn to embody the thing we want to do with great certainty. And the added benefit is that the more we ‘act as if’ the faster we actually do!

Go ahead and try it today. Or if you’d like further tips on using this technique contact Tania now on 07802 218 982 or

Posted on Thu, February 05, 2015 in Coaching Personal Development
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