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Leadership Myths Busted

Leadership is certainly a hot topic at the moment. What with Sheryl Sandberg's call to 'Lean In' and Barack Obama's leadership under question it certainly is a challenging time to be a leader! But what does leadership truly mean and what is the essence of a good leader? There is a lot of confusing advice out there so we've decided to bust some myths...


Posted on Thu, May 29, 2014 in Leadership

Are You a Leader By Chance?

It's preferential to be a leader by choice – not by chance – so what happens when you accidentally fall into the role of leader? You don’t go to a school to learn to be a leader and yet through the course of a career you become more and more responsible for more and more people. If you've ever found yourself in a senior position with a team to lead and you've thought to yourself, 'How do I do this?!' read on...


Posted on Wed, May 21, 2014 in Leadership

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