Creative Coaching

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Can You Talk Yourself To The Top?

Have you ever looked in the mirror before giving an important presentation and said to yourself, 'I can do this!'? How did using those words make you feel? Empowered? Excited? A bit of a fraud?

The power of positive thinking is not a new concept so, when it comes to career progression, is it really possible to talk yourself to the top?


Posted on Thu, June 26, 2014 in Coaching Personal Development

The Real Reason Coaching Makes You Uncomfortable

I've met many people who simply have a blank stare when I say that I coach executives for a living. Questions arise such as: “What’s that then?”, “What, like a sports coach?”, “So, you tell people how to do stuff?”, “Hmmm … coaching…”. Some of these reactions come from a place of genuine curiosity and some from a more sceptical position.

Now, I know coaching is not for everyone, and I'm certainly not on a mission to 'turn' the sceptics - we've spoken before about how coaching has a bit of a Marmite reputation - I sometimes wonder, though, whether there is something deeper going on behind the sceptics's view. 


Posted on Thu, June 19, 2014 in Coaching Personal Development

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