Creative Coaching

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The Biggest Leadership Challenge is… Ourself

As a new decade begins, we look towards the future with a certainty that change will be present for us in some way, although we are yet to know how.
Change brings with it challenge. Issues that cannot be solved amongst our stakeholders and direct reports get passed up to us for resolution, operational and institutional challenges get passed down to us for implementation, and personal challenges nestle in the mix too. As leaders, operating in this uncertain world it would make sense to be on standby for another challenge to tackle beyond the current one.


Posted on Wed, February 26, 2020 in Leadership Personal Development

Building a Better Employee Experience

Our people make possible our performance in all aspects of business – they are our innovators, our developers, our delivery mechanism, our financial custodians, our relationship managers … in short, they ARE our business. To connect with our people, to create the best kind of employee experience, we need to speak to, and act in accordance with, what motivates each team member. When we do this, and truly listen to our people’s needs, all kinds of magic happens:


Posted on Tue, February 11, 2020 in Leadership Organisational Development