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Great Leadership and Organisational Culture – What’s The Connection?

“When employees feel engaged in a dynamic and caring work culture, their performance, pride and loyalty skyrocket the company and its clients to success.”  William Craig, founder of WebFX.

It’s kind of a domino effect: a clear and compelling purpose informs our values, our values drive our behaviours, and our behaviours influence our culture.  As HubSpot suggest (they suggest lots of brilliant things about culture – check out their views here) “Culture happens – whether planned or not, so why not create a culture we love?” A good question I think.


Posted on Wed, January 29, 2020 in Leadership Organisational Development

How To Increase Your (…positive…) Leadership Impact

Becoming a leader of others is a privilege, not a right and holding onto that knowledge at all times is a strong foundation for increasing our impact.

Because when we think about the gift of being able to guide and support others and the responsibility that brings (while we are also being targeted to achieve results) then we can remain continually aware of the energy required to stay in the best place possible to achieve that balance, having a positive influence on the people we lead; inspiring people to follow us and influencing through action.  


Posted on Thu, January 09, 2020 in Leadership