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Leadership Positivity

Positivity is not usually the first quality someone asks for in a leader, however a positive attitude is a vital force when it comes to motivating people.  Positive teams who enjoy their work are generally more productive and engaged, and this stems from the top.

Confident, supportive leaders breed more collaborative and creative teams, and that makes a very attractive workplace for drawing in new talent.  Being positive is contagious, and a team with a collective positive attitude is more likely to go above and beyond for a leader, and workplace that they are happy and proud to be a part of.  


Posted on Tue, October 29, 2019 in Leadership Personal Development

How to Build Your Personal Leadership Brand

As leaders, we sometimes treat our leadership style as a product of our environment and corporate culture, rather than as a product of ourselves. Our leadership is a personal matter though, much of it stems from within and is influenced by things personal to us. Our experience, our ideas, our knowledge. 

Understanding our personal leadership brand is an integral part of how we build consistency in our professional relationships and how we are perceived. Just as failed commitments and substandard interactions damage a corporate brand, our personal leadership brand suffers alike.


Posted on Tue, October 15, 2019 in Leadership Personal Development

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