Creative Coaching

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Self-Care and Consistency for Leaders

As leaders, we seek to be consistent in the work we do and the relationships we build with our stakeholders. A fundamental part of the trust they place in us is based on our consistency. This doesn’t mean however that we always have to be at the office, that we must always be contactable, that we never shut off. 


Posted on Thu, August 29, 2019 in Leadership

Why Vulnerability in Leaders Matters

When it comes to leadership, we often tend towards presenting a uniform version of ourselves. Consistency, strength and honesty are the values by which our stakeholders will know us. While these are helpful attributes, we often emphasise them at the expense of presenting a more dynamic and truthful version of ourselves as leaders. Vulnerability is as important a part of our leadership as our expertise.


Posted on Thu, August 15, 2019 in Leadership

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