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Why Delegation is a Huge Key to Your Success as a Leader

Successful leaders understand that they cannot do everything themselves. To lead their team or company forward, they need to learn to rely on their people.  It sounds easy, although in reality, letting go of something you are renown for doing and do so well, in fact probably better than anyone else - can be difficult. Right? 

Systems psychologist David Kantor refers to delegation in his book, ‘Reading the Room: Group Dynamics for Coaches and Leaders’ as something to be mastered – an art rather than a process.  There is a fine line between delegation, throwing work at people, and micromanaging them.  The art is finding the balance in between.


Posted on Tue, July 16, 2019 in Leadership

How To Recognise a Leader

Often when attempting to recognise or identify leaders there’s a desire to rely on classifications, job titles that contain manager, president, chief or director, or social roles that contain the word leader. The question is what comes first - the leader or the leadership skills and qualities? Are people put into leadership roles and then left to develop as leaders, or do they show leadership qualities and earn those roles?


Posted on Tue, July 02, 2019 in Leadership