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Developing Yourself as a Leader

For many professions, continuing professional development (CPD) (usually technical) is seen as a necessity, a vital part of work and individual development. The Law Society of Scotland sets out that Scottish solicitors have to do a minimum of 20 hours’ CPD a year, and Scottish teachers recognise its importance with 35 hours’ CPD expected a year. 


Posted on Fri, May 24, 2019 in Leadership Personal Development

Increasing Your Influence as a Leader

Leadership is influence.” —John C. Maxwell

If you bring out the best in people, inspire others through your actions and influence them to follow you, you are a leader. 

Influential leaders have the ability to make things happen, they are able to influence the ideas, thoughts, opinions and behaviours of others in order to achieve desired outcomes. 

Title is not synonymous with influence, successful leaders become influential via their likability, authenticity and behaviour. 


Posted on Wed, May 08, 2019 in Leadership Organisational Development