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How Failure Can Make You A Better Leader

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert F. Kennedy
Failure is often what leaders fear the most, yet it is often the catalyst for successful leadership and can be used as a powerful tool for reaching great success. Smart leaders are those who use failure to assess their options and to keep digging until their vision is met. The bottom line is, leaders must fail in order to succeed. When Thomas Edison was asked how it felt to fail 1000 times, he replied ‘I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.’


Posted on Wed, April 24, 2019 in Leadership Personal Development

8 Effective Stress Management Techniques for Leaders

Rising to the top comes with a great deal of responsibility and is often associated with higher levels of stress. By nature, leaders are hard-working and fiercely committed to driving their organisation towards a prosperous future. 


Posted on Wed, April 03, 2019 in Leadership Personal Development